Stewardship & Finance

Glorifying God by responding in gratitude to the bounty of God’s blessings by sharing our money, time and service to God.

Making disciples by teaching Biblical principles of Stewardship and providing opportunities to serve the community.

Meeting human needs by using our financial resources and abilities to support the functioning and missions of Grace Presbyterian Church.

At Grace Presbyterian Church members are asked to make “faith-based” estimates of giving that are God-led and prayerfully considered. We believe that each family’s or individual’s pledge is a faithful, spiritual, and private call between them and God. These estimates of giving are presented on Dedication Sunday in a self-addressed sealed envelope. These envelopes are unopened and returned to members in September as a reminder of their yearly pledge.

Current Stewardship activities include:

The Finance Ministry purpose is to provide leadership and working as faithful stewards to organize, monitor and report on the financial resources and undertakings of the church. This ministry is responsible for coordinating the annual church audit and presenting the treasurer’s report and adopted budget for new fiscal year at the annual congregational dinner.
